The Project Capitalization Program is not a loan.
The proceeds are not paid back.

It is a program that is fueled by investors that have reached the critical Wealth Accumulation threshold and are required to donate a portion of their profits to project funding. The buy-in to the program generates a contracted payout that must be used for the approved project as per the summary and use of funds draw schedule, or monthly payouts will be cancelled, and the treasury will treat the payouts as income.


Also known as a Secured Asset Management Investment Program, this is an investment vehicle commonly used by the High Net worth (HNW) individuals or Corporations where the principal investment is fully secured by a bank where the investor has his/her own account. There is no risk of losing the investors principal investment.

The Trader purchases MTN’s with face value of $100 million for $65 million. On-sells it the same day, as per Contract for $85 Million, a profit on the transaction before cost of $20 million.

Transaction Profit $20 Million

The whole transaction is conducted “BANK to BANK” and can be facilitated via the major Banks with a Treasury desk

Google search:
“Bank Debentured Trading Programs for Humanitarian Projects”

Bank Debenture Trading Programs | Humanitarian Project Funding

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